11th February 2023
JUDGE  -   Poppy Wynter



all pictures are courtesy of Gareth Brown ( please credit if sharing)  

West Midland Terrier February 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed judging and would like to thank everyone on the Society for a lovely show.


Class 42 Junior


1 ZEBEC ICE CRYSTAL (13 months) Strong head with well-placed and neatly folded ears. Good back end with powerful hindquarters and long, straight upper thigh, moving with drive from behind. Would prefer better flow from neck to shoulders giving a more fluid overall top line.


Class 43 Post Graduate


1 FORGEVALE TOP GUN (2 years) Strong narrow head with great expression, great size, shape and placing of ears giving keen terrier expression. Good lay of shoulders leading into a clean top line. Nicely sized dog with a deep chest. Strong hindquarters with sound movement both front and back. Beautiful harsh coat. RBOB.


2 ZETAMAZ MARASCHINO (13 months) Petite bitch with a very feminine outline. Strong neck into clean set of shoulders and very short back. Good spring of rib with neat, straight front legs and tight feet. Moved well and with drive. Challenged first only missing out on quality of head.


Class 44 Open


1 ZETAMAZ I’M YOUR MAN (13 months) Strong masculine head giving a terrier expression. Well placed ears and good length of head. Clean muscular neck moving into well laid shoulders and short back giving a beautiful outline. Straight and muscular front legs with tight feet. Powerful hindquarters giving drive during movement. BOB.


2 ICEPEAK V D BISMARCKQUELLE TO KANIX (IMP DEU) (19 months) Heavily boned dog with a smooth top line. Good ear set giving a nice expression. Well placed tail complimenting short back. Well-muscled hindquarters with long powerful thighs. Good length of head though could be finer in width.


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