11th February 2023
JUDGE  -   Janette Callon

Mrs C L Forkes - Rees. Pakynhyl Treak Cliff

Mr D J & Ms R M Rumney & Dooley. Rowanrae Dream Weaver

all pictures are courtesy of Gareth Brown ( please credit if sharing)  


A huge Thank You to the Officers and Committee for such a well organized show. It was an honor and a pleasure to judge these quality Exhibits. I had a fantastic day. Many thanks to my capable stewards.



Mr D J & Ms R M Rumney & Dooley. Rowanrae Dream Weaver. Correct head with a good square Jaw, Good length of neck leading into a pleasing front. Good deep Chest. Correct angulation and moving well. Best Puppy.


Mrs C R & Mr A J Mcneillis. Magembay Merrydah. Lovely head with a nice eye and correct expression. Pleasing Front and nice coat. Level Topline. Good Tailset and correct rear angulation Moved and Showed well.

 Rowanrae Dream Weaver.

Post Graduate.

    1.Ms N L Curtis. Jolihem Lene Joe Badger. Good strong powerful Head with a nice dark eye. Good body with level Topline. Excellent Mover, Just out of coat on the day.

     2. Mr D & Mrs J Lee. Ornella Chocolate Orange. Pleasing Head and eye. Good reach of Neck leading into level topline. Good Tailset moving well.

Miss Z.C. Parker, Whitecapisla TiffinTime.


Mrs C L Forkes - Rees. Pakynhyl Treak Cliff. A Quality dog of Lovely Type, Alert all the time. Quality head and eye. Level body and well sprung ribs. Tail on Top. Moving well. B.O.B.

Mr L & Mrs D Bettis. Nunneley Hopscotch over Ornella. Another quality dog with the correct eye and expression. Level topline and good Tailset. Moves well. R.B.O.B.

Miss C. James. Nileda Mister Joe

Mr D & Mrs J Lee. Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps.

Ms N L Curtis Kenaiteen Cascade.

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