11th February 2023
JUDGE  -  
Laura Norkett Lui (Eblanahalls)


Satherley Ch Silkcroft Game Changer


Satherley & Billingham
Silkcroft Fortune and Glory

all pictures are courtesy of Gareth Brown ( please credit if sharing)  


I would like to extend my gratitude to the committee of the show for asking me to judge my own breed, soft coated wheaten terriers and being such a forward-thinking club by having so many breed specialists judging.

I had a good entry of 11 exhibits and was pleased to discover that all but 1 had an excellent mouth. In general, coats were of good texture and colour,  and grooms were breed standard. However, I found a few very tight shoulders and this did affect the movement of some dogs by restricting extension. Another point I feel compelled to bring up is handling. While the judge is there to judge the dog, not the handling, I felt that several exhibitors need to straighten their lines when moving their dog, in order for the judge to assess correct movement. They should also use ALL of the ring. This is their moment for their dog to shine and they should show them off to their best advantage. I was delighted to hear that my Best of Breed went BEST IN SHOW! Thank you to Spencer and Claire, my amazingly efficient and helpful stewards, who kept the ring running beautifully and were welcoming to me and all the exhibitors. Lastly, let me thank all the exhibitors for entering under me. There wasn’t a dog there that I didn’t want to take home.

Post Graduate Dog (1,0) 1st Saffini Smooth Operator, d, 20 month old boy with a lovely temperament. Coat is still maturing but the softest of textures and flowed when on the move. Masculine balanced head, dark eye, defined stop with perfect sized ears set well. Good length of neck, chest deep, level topline and short coupling.

Open Dog(2,0) 1st Ch Silkcroft Game Changer, d, 2 ½ year old boy, that certainly caught my eye. Great for size and all over balance and bursting with confidence that says ‘Look at me!’ His mature coat had colour, soft texture and gently open waves. A masculine head with flat skull and parallel planes, defined stop and ears set correctly. Excellent scissor bite in a strong jaw, tight lips and great for pigment. Stood 4 square with an excellent lay of shoulders, level topline, strong loin and powerful correct rear angulation. This boy moved out with extension and drive and used all the space as he went around the ring with long, low strides. Best Dog, BEST OF BREED, BEST IN SHOW.

2nd House of Softy Indus (IMP SWE), d, 3 year old boy with a magnificent native coat, just the type I like and would like to see more of in the ring. Head of good proportions, strong of jaw, dark keen eye. Moderate length of neck, level topline, straight forelegs with plenty of bone. This boy was alert and stood on toes the entire time in the ring. Reserve Best Dog

Puppy Bitch (2,0) 1st Silkcroft Fortune and Glory, b, just 6 months old and almost her debut but she stood and went around the ring like a pro. Pretty feminine head of good proportions, with all that puppy appeal. Great mouth with correct bite, defined stop, flat skull, warm eye and ears held correctly. Super lay of shoulders, level topline, and tail bang on top and carried highly. Her rear angulation is excellent and she is already well muscled at this age with a strong upper thigh and good well let down parallel hocks. Moved soundly both ways.  Best Puppy Bitch, BEST PUPPY IN BREED.

2nd Keevasdream Ballerina Blue, b, 10 month old happy girl with a fairly mature fine coat for her age, already showing warm colour and some waves. Big black nose, correct dentition, dark eye and tidy ears. Good length of neck and correct for size. Held her tail high as she went around the ring.

Junior Bitch (3,1), 1st Clanhanna Reet Petite (AI), b, 15 month old girl with bags of personality and wheaten spirit! An abundance of coat with a great warm wheaten colour for her age and plenty of waves. Very good mouth with a scissor bite. She has a very good front and her long, well-laid shoulders were among the best on the day. Level topline, strong hindquarters, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks. When settled, her movement showed reach and drive. One of the better balanced bitches with nothing overdone. She pushed very hard in the bitch challenge.  Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Snowmeadow Treacle Toffee, b, 14 month old  feminine girl who was unfortunately unsettled on the day and this affected her movement. She stood 4 square, was balanced and good for size. Profuse coat with correct wheaten colour, texture and wave. Nice head with flat skull, correct mouth, and massive beautiful black nose. Good depth of chest and well sprung ribs.

Post Graduate Bitch (1,0) 1st Celtannia Madame at Mayurasana, b,  almost 3 year old girl with plenty to like.  Feminine head with defined stop, good mouth, correct earset, dark eye and excellent pigment. Good level topline which she held on the move and strong loin. A bigger make but still proportionate. Excellent coat for colour, wave and texture and in beautiful groom that shows her off to the best. Well handled.

Open Bitch (3,1) 1st Saffini The Sweetest Taboo, b, 20 month old girl still maturing but in a coat of good colour, wave and texture. Very feminine head with a warm brown eye, good mouth and correct earset. Good muscling on this short coupled girl. One of the better bitches overall for size and a steady mover with tail held high. Best Bitch, Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Snowmeadow Suzy Sixpence, b, almost 6 year old mature girl with profuse correct coat with nice open wave. Appealing head, correct earset, dark eye, mouth good. Good moderate length of neck,  well sprung ribs on a chest with depth and a level topline which she held on the move.

Judge Laura Norkett Lui (Eblanahalls)


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